MNC Fellowship
Sermons and radio broadcasts from Ministers of the New Covenant Fellowship located in Georgia. A congregation that holds to faith in Yeshua and keeping the commandments of Yahweh.
Podcasting since 2004 • 843 episodes
MNC Fellowship
Latest Episodes
858 Does Sabbath Begin at Evening or Morning? (Ex. 12:18; Lev. 23:32; Neh. 13:19)
I’ve had so many discussions about this over the last 27+ years, but I’ve never taught one cohesive sermon on it. That changes with this lesson. I give my reasons for my practice while respecting those who genuinely disagree due to their own st...

857 Is Cooking Forbidden on the Sabbath? (Ex. 16:21-26)
I take a look at and give a Scriptural answer to this question I often receive. What does Scripture say about cooking on the Sabbath? Yes, I deal with the verse about kindling a fire.

856 Does YHWH Still Enact Swift Justice? (Acts 5:1-11)
In contrast to Barnabus’ devotion to the Apostolic community, Ananias and Sapphira try to be deceptive and end up in a bad place. We should always be honest with what Yahweh has entrusted us with. Our vows should be upheld in fear and reverence...

855 To Be of One Heart and Soul (Acts 4:32-37)
What was the purpose behind the communal living of the early Messianic sect? When a person is fully dedicated to following Yeshua they realize that so much in this world ultimately just does not matter that much.

854 How Does One Keep Sabbath? (Ex. 23:12; 20:8-11; Neh. 13:15-22)
A general overview of keeping (guarding, protecting) the Sabbath. Towards the end I talk about exceptions to the rule and then answer the question I get asked most often when people are beginning to consider obeying this commandment.